How to Contact Hawaiian Airlines lost and found?

Vacation can be frustrating while travelling,if you have lost your baggage or any personal belongings. This is a situation that can happen to anyone. If you are a passenger who has lost an item and worried about how to find it. So you can simply read the below article. There, you will find the Hawaiian Airlines lost and found policies and processes that will help you to find the lost property. 

Important Points

Ways to Report a lost item with Hawaiian Airlines

With Hawaiian Airlines, it is possible to report for the lost items through the official site, by making the phone call and by reaching out to the airport. 

Online Method

Online is one of the most common and easiest ways to report if you have lost any item. To make the claim, you can simply follow the given instructions. 

  • First, you have to reach out to the official site of Hawaiian Airlines. 
  • Then you need to search for the section of ‘help centre’ on the home page and tap on it.
  • After that you have to go to the section of baggage and select the section ‘lost and found item’. 
  • You will be redirected to the next page then you have to click on the section ‘lost property/item left on board’. 
  • Once you have get the form then can enter the required details like reservation number, the item which you have lost. 
  • You also have to add the contact information, and related documents and submit them. 
  • After filling all the details on the form then submit it. 
  • Then you can track the status of your baggage through the reference number that you have got. 

Offline Method

If it’s not possible to report a lost item through the online mode then you can contact the customer service through the phone call. The steps are situated below which will help you to report a lost property. 

  • On the first step, you have to make the phone call on Hawaiian Airlines lost and find the phone number 1-866-389-6654
  • Then you will hear the IVR instructions which you can follow to pick out the preferred language and the option to report for baggage. 
  • Once you have made the request then you will be connected with the live representative in a few seconds. 
  • After that, you are required to give the reservation details and description of your baggage along with the other information. 
  • At the end, Airline will provide the confirmation and reference number via email which will help you to track your baggage. 

At the Airport

You can also visit the airport to report a lost time with Hawaiian Airlines. 

  • First,reach the airport lost and found office if you have misplaced any item. 
  • The office of lost and found,you can find at the terminal building or close to the baggage area. 
  • Then you have to provide some information about the lost item to an agent. You have to give it the details of the date and flight number, about your baggage, contact information and some other things. 
  • You can also provide relevant documents like a boarding pass or baggage claim check. 
  • Once you have done that, you will get the missing report from the lost and found department. 
  • After that, you can take the special reference number to find out the whereabouts of the lost item. The airline will also let you know through email if your item is not able to be found within 30 days. 
  • If the airline found your lost item, then you will get an email with the simple steps: How can you get it back?

Hawaiian Airlines Lost & Found Policy

Hawaiian Airlines provides the facility to the lost and found department if any passenger has any issues related to lost and found items. To claim for the lost item, you can consider the Hawaiian Airlines lost baggage policy  which is mentioned below. 

  • If you lose any baggage then you are required to contact Hawaiian Airlines lost and found department as soon as possible. 
  • After requesting a lost item, you can follow the lost and found office to track your lost item. 
  • If your item and any personal belongings are misplaced by the airline itself, you have the right to get the compensation. 
  • If you have not got back the checked baggage within 7 days then it will be counted as a lost bag. 
  • If the baggage is delayed from the time of arrival at the airport then you should let it know about the baggage services of Hawaiian Airlines. 

Damaged Baggage Policy of Hawaiian Airlines 

You can contact the Hawaiian airline’s office before leaving the terminal if your baggage is damaged. 

  • You can keep your all invoices and documents along with those related to damaged baggage. 
  • The airline will be responsible for any reasonable and necessary expenses that have been incurred as a result of the damage. You will also get compensation for any repairs and replacement costs. 
  • You have to notify the airline within 24 hours of your arrival otherwise your baggage claim would be rejected. 

Steps to take for recovering the lost items

Here are some of the steps that you can take to recover or to get the lost item. 

By following a flight, the cleaning staff can inspect the aircraft for any misplaced items. 

  • If any item are found on the aircraft then it will be brought to the airport lost and found office. 
  • You can get in touch with the lost and found Hawaiian airline team to report the lost and found item. 
  • Sometimes airlines also post their missing items on their social media platforms which you can track down. 
  • The airline also contacted the owner who reported the item as lost. 
  • You can get the lost item within 30 days otherwise it will be donated to the charity or discarded. 
  • To make the chances of getting the lost baggage, you can reach out to the customer service lost and found department and get the missing item within a few days. 

How much is the liability for lost or damaged baggage of Hawaiian Airlines?

If you have found that there is any loss, damage, or delay on the baggage then Hawaiian Airlines provides you a liability of 3,800 USD per booked passenger. 

Retention periods for lost baggage of Hawaiian airlines

Disposal immediately 

Here are some of the items that you can dispose of immediately.

  • Containers of food and drinks or non-hygienic items. 
  • Skincare products and baby products. 
  • Neck pillow, clothing items, and some other things. 
  • Stationery and pencil cases. 
  • Items that are biohazard miscellaneous. 

Keep for 7 days 

  • Wallets. 
  • Cards, driving licenses, and other govt. Id. 
  • Books and keys. 
  • Jeweler and watches. 
  • Cell phones. 
  • Laptops, tablets, cameras, and headphones. 
  • Any other highly valuable items. 

By going through the above article, I hope you find all the information related to the lost and found baggage process & policies. The above steps will help you to find your lost item or property. If you want to get more information about the lost and found item then you can simply get in touch with the customer service of Hawaiian Airlines